Kids and old age people are more
prone to tooth decays and dental diseases. Although there is not any specific
age of getting a dental issue but more prone ages are childhood and old age. It
is important to maintain oral health and this age specifically needs more care
and time. Regular checkups and cleaning sessions are advised at old age.
Is your kid eating many
Chocolates are the love of kids,
but eating too much of chocolates or other sugar containing food might lead to
tooth decay because bacteria on teeth react with the starchy food and form
cavities which eventually lead to tooth decay. The reason kids are more prone
to tooth diseases is that the sugar intake is much more in younger age as
compared to older age. Infant survives on mother’s feed which is full of sugar,
and harmful bacteria in the mouth react with the sugar even before teething.
And when teeth start to come out, they are full of cavities. Start taking care
of your kid’s dental health at the age of two. Otherwise, you can consult your Family Dentistry about the
time and methods you should follow to clean up your kids’ teeth. Coming to the
dental treatment for kids, a dentist needs to be polite and calm because it is
very difficult to give dental treatment to kids.
The professional
Apart from brushing teeth twice a
day, flossing after every meal and adopting the right techniques for brushing
there are professional treatments which are required to be done at last stages
of dental infections. A dentist who is Msc Oral and
Dental Surgery and is experienced enough can efficiently handle
these types of critical cases because they have practiced more practically in
their post graduation period. Implant surgery is the most successful surgery in
the field of dental treatments. It is having 98% efficiency and is having a lot
advantages and ensure better oral health. Dr. Hussein Labib is an Msc implant Dentistry who is
providing a cutting edge in treatment of his patients. Implant surgery is the
replacement of roots below your teeth and this treatment is far more durable
than other treatments. This kind of surgery makes you rid of many problems,
like you can eat food of your choice i.e. no sensitivity, no gum bleeding, less
prone to cavities and bacteria action.
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